"Narrow-mindedness is different than having a narrow view. We have a narrow view. That is, we believe we are right in [our Christians convictions] and therefore other views are wrong. All of the claims of truth are narrow.Note his point that all claims of truth are narrow. That is, they narrow certain other claims of truth out. No one claim of truth can be truly all-inclusive, because it will, by definition, narrow out those claims of truth that are exclusive.
Narrow-mindedness does not have to do with the view, it has to do with the person. It's a vice of thinking. A narrow-minded person is a person who is stuck in his view and is not willing to consider alternate views. I have a narrow view, but I am certainly open to considering other people's points of view and dealing with the evidence for it."
16 hours ago
Seems like his point went totally over your head...
His point is about narrow-mindedness, not about the narrowness of truth. His whole point is even though truth is narrow, he doesn't have to have a closed mind about it. However, the fact that you chose to use this quote as an emphasis that truth is narrow, shows that YOU are the narrow-minded one. You had a point to prove before you even found the quote...
I beg to differ. It seems you are the one confusing narrow-mindedness and a narrow view, and using the charge of narrow-mindedness as an attack to tear down credibility. I could write an entire 800 page tome on how "Truth Is Narrow", but if I am open to considering other views and dealing with the evidence, then I am not narrow-minded. I wrote two lines, and you are calling me narrow-minded. It seems you already had your mind made up, rather than considering the evidence here.
His point is about both narrow-mindedness and narrow views, and his definition of both. If anything I said was contrary to the ideas in the quote, I am open to be corrected. I simply reiterated and expanded on the idea of the narrowness of truth.
If you disagree, perhaps you disagree with Greg's definitions of two ideas, and you should adress that.
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